Parade of 7 Planets: Rare Cosmic Event to Happen in January, February

In January and February 2025, a rare astronomical phenomenon will take place - the alignment of the planets. Six, and later seven planets of the Solar System will be visible from the Earth at the same time, LiveScience reports.
On 21 January, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn will be visible in the night sky. And on 28 February, they will be joined by Mercury, forming a large planetary conjunction.
Most of the planets will be visible to the naked eye, but Uranus and Neptune will require binoculars.
Although it is not uncommon to see several planets aligned from Earth, it is very rare to see seven planets simultaneously. This phenomenon creates the illusion that all the celestial bodies are lined up in a single line. In fact, this is because all the planets move in their orbits along the ecliptic, the imaginary plane of rotation of the planets around the Sun.
Some planets have orbits slightly above or below this plane, but are at roughly the same level. When they are on the same side of the Sun, people on Earth can observe this unusual phenomenon.