Eastern Christians Celebrate Easter

Today, Eastern Orthodox and Greek Catholics are celebrating their most important holiday of the year - the Bright Resurrection of Christ. For Christians of all denominations, this day symbolizes the victory of life over death, liberation from the burden of sin, and the transition from bondage to freedom and love.
"The main feature of Orthodox life is its resurrection pulse. Philosophers mistakenly described Orthodox spirituality as 'gloomy' and 'autumnal.' Conversely, Westerners rightly praise the refined penetrative depth of the Orthodox understanding of the meaning and depth of the Paschal experience. But this faith never forgets that the path to Resurrection passes through the Cross," said Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I in his Easter greeting.
In Ukraine, the main festive service took place in Kyiv at the St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery, led by the Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanius.
"I warmly greet everyone on the occasion of the greatest holiday - the Lord's Pascha, the Bright Resurrection of Christ! This holiday is about life, victory, hope, and faith. Therefore, let the Risen Christ bring hope and comfort to every corner of Ukrainian land and wherever Ukrainian people live and struggle today, giving strength and inspiration to continue moving forward, despite all difficulties and trials, towards the great Ukrainian Victory. Christ is risen!" greeted Metropolitan Epiphanius.
The main festive service of the Greek Catholics in Ukraine took place in Kyiv at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ of the UGCC.
"Ukraine is a victim of Russia's criminal, sacrilegious war. We often ask ourselves: is our struggle worth such a great price? In response to this cry of pain and tears of Ukraine, the Risen Savior emerges today from the empty tomb as a 'living and unblemished sacrifice.' He, the Victor, speaks to us today with the voice of fallen heroes: 'We fell so that you may live! We laid down our lives to give them to God and to you! In our sacrifice - the Lord's Pascha!" said His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in his greeting.
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in his Easter greeting, noted that this holiday symbolizes the victory of good and justice, the victory of life over death.
"The Bible teaches us to love our neighbour. Today showed us the true meaning of this word. When we all became neighbours to each other. And the former neighbour who constantly tried to become our brother is forever distant from us. He violated all commandments, demanded our home, came to kill us. The world sees this. God knows this. And we believe: on God's shoulders is a chevron with the Ukrainian flag. So with such an ally, life will definitely triumph over death," noted Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
It is worth reminding that in the Gospels, it is mentioned that after Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem, He was betrayed and crucified, then buried in a cave. On Sunday morning, the women who came to the tomb met an angel who announced to them about Jesus' resurrection. Some time later, Jesus Himself appeared to one of them and confirmed His resurrection. This joyful news quickly spread throughout Jerusalem and all of Judea.