
Top 10 Health Channels by Experts from Eastern Europe

Photo: Top 10 Health Channels by Experts from Eastern Europe, Source: Collage The Gaze by Leonid Lukashenko
Photo: Top 10 Health Channels by Experts from Eastern Europe, Source: Collage The Gaze by Leonid Lukashenko

Self-medicating through YouTube videos is like trying to make love via SMS. It feels like something is happening, but the desired results and sense of satisfaction are often missing. Worse still, attempting to treat yourself can do significant harm. So, whatever your issue—be it physical or mental—it's essential to see a specialist in person. The channels of Eastern European promoters of health awareness gathered here should only be used as supplementary sources of valuable information.

How can you take care of your own health and that of your child? Can you cure a thousand illnesses with herbal remedies? Why is a holistic approach important? How can you exercise correctly and organise a healthy diet? And even—how can you heal your body through addressing your mental state? You’ll find answers to all these questions from professional doctors, therapists, psychologists, trainers, and healers from Eastern Europe.

Marek Skoczylas

Anyone who has ever checked the ingredients on pre-packaged supermarket products has been alarmed by the lengthy list of unfamiliar chemicals. But everyone eats them, so it’s probably fine for me too, right? Wrong. At least if you don't understand what you're putting into your mouth and why. Polish doctor Marek Skoczylas is a professional dentist, but for the past 17 years, he has been continuously expanding his knowledge, studying cutting-edge research in general medicine, biochemistry, and bacterial microbiota. He doesn’t do this out of mere curiosity but to better understand how everyday foods can prevent and treat various diseases. He eagerly shares his unique knowledge through accessible mini-lectures: 

Green Planet of Zemna

Natalia Zemna grew up in a family of herbalists—her mother and grandmother taught her the traditional science of gathering useful plants, combining them in various ways, and using the resulting herbal mixtures to treat, prevent thousands of illnesses, and improve mood. For many years, she has been a popular phytotherapist in Ukraine. And although medical cannabis was recently legalised there—which will likely bring Ukrainian herbalists many loyal clients—Zemna continues to advocate for an exclusive approach tailored to each person’s specific needs, rather than trying to solve all health problems with one miracle herb. For example, to get rid of fungal infections on the nails, she recommends the root of a very pungent yet highly effective plant. 

Family is...

Since some of Dr Spock’s methods were discredited by the scientific community as flawed, every mother who cares about her child’s health understands that you shouldn’t blindly follow medical gurus. People, even intelligent, educated, and experienced ones, can make mistakes, and when it comes to small children, the cost of an error can be catastrophic. It's better to consult several doctors, listen to what each of them says, and then make an informed decision. The Ukrainian channel Family is... brings together blogs and workshops not from one, but a range of specialists in child-rearing and care. Here, you’ll find useful tips on nutrition, treatment, education, development, and better understanding of your little ones so they grow up healthy and happy. Watch on YouTube

Dr Komarovsky

Kharkiv-born Yevhen Komarovsky is Ukraine’s most famous paediatrician, and in addition to children's health, he is heavily involved in providing medical education for adults. At the first signs of a cold, or when any other symptoms arise, Ukrainians typically rush to Dr Komarovsky’s channel, where answers to all common questions are gathered. Although the doctor advises against self-diagnosis and always recommends visiting a family physician, millions of people trust the advice of this charismatic man with a moustache. In fact, during the 2019 elections, many voted for Volodymyr Zelensky solely because Dr Komarovsky supported his candidacy so enthusiastically. 

Pacientul 2.0

Diabetes, cancer, hypertension—almost every person on earth either has one of these already or will in the future. When treating or preventing these three most common deadly diseases, it is crucial to get sound medical advice. This is what the Romanian channel Pacientul 2.0 specialises in, offering both entertaining yet serious videos about various diseases and how to combat them, as well as in-depth interviews with professional doctors from different fields. For example, did you know that frequent urination can not only interrupt your work or sleep but also have very serious causes and consequences? 

Dr Bartek Kulczyński

When we want to build an athletic body, we seek out a trainer who looks like an ancient god. When we want to curate a well-thought-out wardrobe, we look for a fashion consultant who dresses stylishly. When we want to make a lot of money, we seek advice from a billionaire or at least a millionaire. But what should we do when we want to eat healthily, specifically according to current scientific standards? In this case, it’s not so much about how toned and fit the advisor looks but whether they have scientific publications—the ultimate badge of honour for any researcher. Polish doctor and nutritionist Bartek Kulczyński, who holds a doctorate in food technology, has published nearly 70 scientific papers in national and international journals, as well as over 300 popular science articles. His channel will be particularly interesting for those with Type 2 diabetes and anyone aiming to lose weight and eat healthily without harming their well-being. 

Vasyl Chaika

When we have a stomach ache, we go to the pharmacy and buy some powder. When our heart hurts, we get pills. For skin issues, we order a cream, and for depression, we seek a prescription for antidepressants. And so it goes, endlessly—millions of people who care about their health often become lifelong customers of doctors and pharmacies because they make the common mistake of treating the symptoms instead of addressing the root causes. Ukrainian doctor Vasyl Chaika, who doesn’t want people to be slaves to pharmaceuticals for life, advocates a holistic and comprehensive approach to health. With over 20 years of medical practice, he has developed a treatment method that works simultaneously on three levels—body, mind, and psyche. 

Doctor Damian

Healthy eating is the foundation of a healthy life, just as important as quality sleep, regular physical activity, and positive emotions. However, today, people tend to eat as though they belong to the fictional species Homo Immortalis. This applies to food choices, eating habits, and combining things on one plate that should never be mixed. That’s why Dr Serban Damian, a sports nutritionist from Bucharest, runs his YouTube channel, teaching all conscious individuals how to eat not only deliciously but also in a way that promotes health. Want to look slim and feel light? Then check out Dr Damian's advice on how to lose 10 kilograms in just one month.

Marek Purczyński

You can build muscles to finally like how you look naked in the mirror, but for that, it’s better to see a psychotherapist who will teach you how to accept yourself as you are. However, muscle-building is still necessary—primarily to naturally improve your health. But instead of mindless pumping or chasing strength records, you should focus on specialised functional training, like the one taught by Polish trainer Marek Purczyński. If you develop proper movement skills for daily life and learn basic physiotherapy methods, you’ll soon notice that your planned doctor visits and the array of blister packs in your home medicine cabinet will become far fewer. 

Chernyak Blog

People say, "A healthy body means a healthy spirit." But no one really knows: are all healthy people so cheerful, happy, and positive because they’re healthy? Or are they healthy because they’re cheerful, happy, and positive? Either way, addressing mental health issues and self-development will certainly be beneficial for anyone striving to become a harmonious person. The key is to avoid esotericism and stick to a scientific approach. The latest news in brain research, cognitive science, and physiology is regularly covered on her channel by Ukrainian Irina Chernyak, who is obsessed with productivity, motivation, and the rules for a happy and healthy life. 

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